A church through the ages…

 Our Church started in the country, but then the city of Longview grew up around it!

Winterfield gives praise to God for its past……

The people began meeting and worshipping together as a whole, singing the songs they had grown up with, in the winter field where cattle grazed. Around the late 1800’s, weather played a vital role in the start of a building because it was outside under a brush arbor! Four different church buildings have been built over the years, each growing in size as the congregation grew. Methodist Circuit riding preachers served the church in the beginning and the church has been served by full-time ministers since 1900.

Winterfield has faith in Jesus as we grow into the future…..

Over the last 30 years Winterfield has expanded our facility three different times. An education wing, a playground in the back and the Anchor building beside to meet the vision that God has given us!

We hope you will come and visit us soon!

Our Mission Statement

“Go, Share God's Love, Help Those in Need, and Make Disciples of Jesus Christ.”

Who We are

  • Come as you are! Our dress code is very simple: Please wear clothes. You should feel comfortable and welcome at Winterfield however you choose to dress. We have some who come in shorts, and some who come in a suit and tie - you are welcome no matter what!

  • When you’re here, you’re family! Don’t be surprised if we all like to come over and say hello, invite you to join us for coffee and donuts, or to stay for special events!

  • We have Sunday Schools for all ages - adults, youth, and children.

  • We have two worship services every Sunday: one Contemporary service and one Traditional service. Check out our worship page for more info!

  • Activity bags for our young disciples are available at all worship events so they can engage in their own special way too!

  • Ask us about our Teddy Bear Ministry! :)