Leaders Past & Present
During these past 140 years, Winterfield has been hostto some wonderful pastors. We have had circuit riders and full-time pastors. Circuit riders were pastors who rode on horseback from church to church to speak the Word. They took care of the spiritual needs of several churches at a time. While they were in town, congregants who lived close by would host the pastor in their homes for the duration of the meetings. With little money in those days, many times the pastor received potatoes, corn meal, chickens, clothing, or whatever the congregation could offer, to take with him as he traveled to his next assignment, as compensation.
The earliest known pastor here was Gus Garrison. He served from 1898 to 1900. Before Gus Garrison came to Winterfield, the people met and worshipped together as a whole, singing the songs they had grown up with. Weather played a vital role in this of course, being out of doors.
The following is a list of full-time pastors & associate pastors who have helped shape and grow our church through the teachings of Jesus Christ, Our Savior:
Gordon Alexander, 1935-1936
J.N. McCain, 1937-1939
James Leon McAdams, 1940-1941
Daniel Edward Sneller, 1942
J.L. Ross, 1943
C.A. Perkins, 1944-1945
Chad Murray, 1946-1947
James Bee Waggoner, 1948-1953
Benjamin Wilson Waltman, 1953-1954
W. Edward Mitchell, 1955-1956
Roland T. Scales, 1957-1962
Louis Gantt, 1963-1964
William Hodge, 1965-1969
Everett Hal McCombs, 1970-1972
William Webb, 1972-1977
Robert F. Herndon, 1977-1980
Earl H. Dawson, 1980-1984
Gene Steger, 1984-1988
Richard Goodrich, 1988-1991
George Rodinia (Associate Pastor)
Tom Crowe, 1991-1995
Carolyn Hendrick, 1995-1996
Gordon Dillahunty (Associate Pastor), 1996
Ed Barlow, 1996-2002
Mike Lindstrom, 2002-2006
Rita Sims, 2006-2011
Jay Barnes, 2011-2015
Larry Day (Associate Pastor), 2013-2015
David Urban, 2015-2017
Steven C. Newcomb, 2017-2020
Mark Pedersen, 2020-2022
Vicki Wood, 2022-Present
The following is a list of circuit rider pastors that have graced Winterfield up until it received it's first full-time appointment:
Gus Garrison, 1898-1900
W.L. Pate, 1901
G.W. Riley, 1902
J.W. Hall, 1903
William Horner, 1904
I.F. Pace, 1906
J.A. Carr, 1908
John B. Bell, 1909
Marion Frances Wells, 1910
Major M.I. Brown, 1911
Arthur L. Conner, 1914
Preston Florence, 1917
S.M. Dunnam, 1918
D.E. Snelter, 1918-1920
Bruce O. Power, 1921
James Leon McAdams, 1922-1926
Joseph Henry Malone, 1926
W.W. Hardt, 1928
Irrie J. Waldon, 1929-1932
James Leon McAdams, 1933
J.N. McCain, 1934-1935