Adult Ministries
Sterling Club
This group meets the last Wednesday of every month except November and December when meetings are earlier in the month. A covered-dish fellowship with planned programs, including devotionals, music, comedy, skits and area guests bring informative, spiritual and entertaining programs. This group was formed especially for retirees, but anyone is welcome.
United Methodist Women
Winterfield UMW is a community of women whose PURPOSE is to Know GOD and experience freedom through Jesus Christ. Our fellowship takes us into learning through various studies and forming supportive friendships as we work together on fundraising projects that benefit local and worldwide mission projects. Evening circles meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall and enjoy special blessings of Christian friends. (Child care provided if needed.)
United Methodist Men
All men - members and visitors alike - are invited to come on the second Sunday of each month at 7:30 AM and join us for breakfast and a time of Christian fellowship. During these gatherings, we also plan for activities we can doto help he church or help others. From service projects to fundraising, this group enjoys being in ministry together.
The Basic Class
In our class we have young adults ranging in age from 20's to 40's. We have married couples (with and without kids) as well as some single members. The topics in the class relate to the books of the Bible and incorporate family values and experiences in our discussions. There are wonderful discussions and a lot of laughs.
The Seekers Class
This class is open to adults of all ages with a wide range of married and single adults (with and without kids of all ages). Topics in this class cover controversial Christian Issues. We would say this class is "not your typical Sunday school class."
The Discovery Class
Mature adults who are married and single are in this class. A class who intensely looks at the Bible, its history and background. A close, loving class of the church family. Visitors and new members are always welcome to stop in and stay.
The Winmore Class
The Winmore Class consists of married couples and singles ranging from middle aged to mature adults. Their Sunday school lessons are taken from officially published materials of the United Methodist Church.
The Fellowship Class
This class consists of married couples and singles who are in the middle age range to mature age. This is a real friendly group who like to dine out and Bar-b-q.
The Genesis II Class
A fun-loving ageless group that studies a mixture of prepared studies, Scripture, and denominational texts, our focus is on the application of Christian concepts in daily life to help each person grow in his or her ability to serve as a representative of Christ to the world.
Women's Bible Study
This class is for all ladies who are interested in coming together to study all parts of the Bible and openly discuss issues that pertain to us all. The class meets every Monday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. All ages are welcomed.
Disciple Bible Study
Typically offered each fall, the Disciple Bible Study program has four studies ranging from 30 to 34 weeks log. These are in-depth small group studies focused on transformation not just information.
One-Time Studies
Throughout the year we offer Lenten and Advent studies as well as a class on what it means to be a United Methodist.
Stephen Ministers
Stephen Ministers are available for those undergoing crisis. Call the church office for more details regarding using their services or becoming a Stephen Minister yourself.
The Quilters meet on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10-2. Through this special ministry our Quilters have given away over $20,000 to worthy projects over the years.
The Community BBQ
One of the most anticipated events each year is our Barbeque! Cars line up to pick up an order of the tasty delights. Each year has seen it grow! We are even able to deliver orders to some of those unable to drive. Those who dine in are treated to great fellowship. There is also the convenience of drive through.