Available for newborns through 3 years-old, our nursery provides a loving, fun atmosphere for all the children. Toddlers have a time of learning as well as time for play. Our loving and experienced nursery workers care for the children like they were their own.
Children's Sunday School
Sunday School provides children ages 4 years through 5th grade with the opportunity to explore God's word through art, storytelling, drama, and other activities.
Winterfield K.I.D.S. Mother's Day Out
(Kids In Discovery School)
Our Mother's Day Out program begins September 2, 2020. Enrollment consists of children ages 18 months to 4 years. We have certified teachers and experienced aides who work with the children and cultivate a fun and Godly learning environment. Days and hours are Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. For more information, see the Winterfield K.I.D.S. Homepage.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer we host Vacation Bible School. This is an event that is uplifting for volunteers and children. The joy in children learning about God, Christ, the Disciples and the scriptures is truly something to behold.
Fall Fest
Fall fest has become a fun festival where children and adults can not only have fun, but can help spread the word of God through the use of activities that stimulate the minds of the children.
WOW! (Winterfield on Wednesdays)
On Wednesday nights during the school year, children, youth and adults gather for a meal and activities. More information about 2020 will be coming soon.
Annual Christmas Pageant
One of our most anticipated events is the annual Christmas Pageant. It is a multi-generational event that encompasses members and community volunteers who take part in the beautiful telling of the Christmas story! We have watched as children grow from being the littlest lamb into Mary and Joseph. This pagent will be produced and directed by frances Day this year!